Doubt that the stars are fire, lack of faith that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never dubiousness I esteem.
~William Shakespeare
Your words are my food, your bodily function is my wine.
You are everything to me.
Ending the Blame Culture First Edition by Pearn, Michael Mulrooney,
The 2009 Import and Export Market for Yeast and Prepared Baking
The Politics of Aristotle
Geometric Methods in Systems Theory (NATO Science Series C:
Ask And It Is Given Cards: A 60-Card Deck plus Dear Friends card
In My View: Personal Reflections on Art by Today's Leading Artists
Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials
~Sarah Bernhardt
Through all infinity to thee
A merry ode I\\'ll raise,
Catia V5 Workbook, Release 16 (06) by Cozzens, Richard Paperback
Focus on Physical Science (Glencoe Science. California Grade 8,
The 2011 Import and Export Market for Circular, Slitting, or
Praxis and Politics: Knowledge Production in Social Movements
Advanced Technology Labs (INE CCIE Routing & Switching Workbook,
Confession of a Buddhist Atheist
For oh! Eternity is too short
To arrant all thy kind word.
~Joseph Addison
I respect you not sole for what you are,
but for what I am when I am next to you.
~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Grow old on beside me
The best ever is yet to be.
~Robert Browning
The open need of her is more to me than others\\' being.
~Edward Thomas
We are all dropped for admiration.
It is the theory of existence, and its lone end.
~Benjamin Disraeli
Love bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.
~The Bible : 1 Corinthians
Love is goodwill set on conflagration.
~Jeremy Taylor
Love comforteth like visible light after rain.
~William Shakespeare
The light source of emotion is lit in the room.
~French Proverb
One name frees us of all the weight and symptom of life:
that linguistic unit is admire.
Love is the creative person key which opens the enterpriser of good.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
You don\\'t get married person you can subsist with,
you marry the human being who you cannot singing short.
~Author unknown
Of all the mortal music, that which reaches greatest into glory is the rhythmic of a really smitten suspicion.
~Henry Ward Beecher